Internet-Draft DataRight+ Rosetta Stone September 2024
Low & Kolera Expires 25 March 2025 [Page]
Intended Status:
S. Low
B. Kolera

DataRight+ Rosetta Stone


A rosetta stone for the DataRight+ specifications.

Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

This Internet-Draft will expire on 25 March 2025.

Table of Contents

1. Scope

The scope of this document is limited to the conversion of terms utilised within the DataRight Plus specification suite to jurisdictional terms within legal frameworks. The intent of delivering this document is to remove ambiguity from the broader specification set by isolating, generally legal, terms within a single document.

2. Terminology

This document defines the following terms:

Action Identifier
A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) which references a specific action requested by an Initiator to a Provider
Agreement Identifier
A reference to a DataRight+ agreement identifier. Refer to the relevant DataRight+ profile for supported agreement types.
Arrangement Identifier
A reference to a CDR related arrangement identifier, currently only CDR Sharing Arrangement Identifier is supported within the CDR ecosystem.
Banking Sector
Relates to the Holders, designated under the [CDR-RULES] in the Banking industry
Certificate Practice Statement
A statement of the practices that a certification authority (CA) employs in issuing, suspending, revoking, and renewing certificates and providing access to them, in accordance with specific requirements.
Consumer Data Right
CDR Sharing Arrangement
A legal construct, established by the [CDR-RULES] representing a disclosure consent between a Provider and a Initiator via a Software Product.
CDR Sharing Arrangement Identifier
A unique and persistent identifier, typically a UUID or similar, that represents a reference to a CDR Sharing Arrangement.
A Consumer represents an individual or an entity for which a User has been granted permissions to perform actions on behalf of.
Data Set Language
When requesting consent to conduct actions a Provider must present a description of the action or data being permitted. The Data Set Language is a prescription of what this text MUST be.
Designated Holders
Designated Holders are organisations which belong to a designated sector, according to the [CDR-RULES] and meet certain eligibility requirements to be required to deliver CDR services within their sector.
Ecosystem Authority
The Ecosystem Authority represents the designated arbiter of trust between Providers, Initiators and the Consumer. Further elaboration on the Ecosystem Authority is provided within [DATARIGHTPLUS-ADMISSION-CONTROL].
Electricity Authority
The Electricity Authority represents the holder of information pertaining to electricity meters and usage.
Electricity Plan Website
The Electricity Plan Website represents the holder of information pertaining to electricity plan information
Energy Sector
Relates to the Designated Holders, designated under the [CDR-RULES] in the Energy industry
An Initiator is a client application which conducts activities with a Provider server. In an authorisation context a Initiator is analogous with an [OIDC-Core] Relying Party (RP).
Initiator Arrangement Revocation Endpoint (ICARE)
A specific URI for the purposes of issuing ICARE requests as described in [DATARIGHTPLUS-SHARING-ARRANGEMENT-V1-00].
Initiator Base URI (IBU)
The Base URI used for all calls to Initiator hosted resource server endpoints.
Non-Functional Requirements
Refers to the performance requirements specified within the Non-Functional Requirements section of [CDS]
Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Information that (a) can be used to identify the natural person to whom such information relates, or (b) is or might be directly or indirectly linked to a natural person to whom such information relates.
A Provider is a piece of server infrastructure which receives requests from an Initiator. In an authorisation context a Provider is analogous with an [OIDC-Core] OpenID Provider (OP).
A User is a human who provides an identifier unique to the individual and for which correlates to one or more Consumer relationships. In an authorisation context a User is analogous with an [OIDC-Core] End-User.

3. Action Initiation

The DataRight+ specifications seek to extend functionality through the introduction of a formalised action initiation methodology. The primary intent is to establish a standardised pattern that is not purely limited to the sharing mandates of the CDR. In order to achieve these objectives there is a common entity relationship model adopted visualised as follows:

+---------------+ +--------------+ +--------------+ | | | | | | | Authorisation |-0:1--> Action +--0:n--> Entity | | | | | | | +---------------+ +--------------+ +--------------+

3.1. Authorisation

An Authorisation refers to the OAuth2 authorisation associated with an Action.

An authorisation MUST NOT be associated with more than one action. It is not currently expected that a single action will support multiple authorisations. To facilitate progressive authorisation a new action identifier would be generated to represent each progressive authorisation.

There are circumstances where an Initiator may have already obtained access to the required data and therefore an authorisation MAY NOT be necessary. A common example of this is where an existing sharing agreement already grants access the data requested but the method of obtaining this data is changed, for example the action is an asynchronous retrieval of transaction data.

3.2. Action

Represents a single unit of work to deliver an entity resource outcome. An action alone completes regardless of the outcome being a success or failure. It does not represent a specific outcome or data set for the desired outcome but rather a resource of the process itself.

3.3. Entity

An entity in the Action Initiation context refers to a resource, result or handle produced as a result of an action. In the context of a sharing agreement this would be a resource describing the agreement itself. Another example may be an authorised payment permission which is then used to initiate the payments themselves.

Not all actions result in entities however in some cases one action may produce multiple entities. If and how many entities are produced is dependent on the individual action in question.

4. Ecosystem Specific Mappings

The following table provides a mapping from DataRight+ terminology to ecosystem specific terms.

Table 1
DataRight+ Australian CDR
Agreement Identifier Arrangement Identifier
Electricity Authority AEMO
Initiator Software Product
Initiator Brand Data Recipient Brand
Initiator Entity Data Recipient Legal Entity
Initiator Base URI Recipient Base URI
Provider Data Holder Brand
Provider ID Data Holder Brand ID
Provider Entity Data Holder
Consumer CDR Consumer
Ecosystem Directory CDR Register
Ecosystem Authority ACCC
User User
User Agent User Agent

4.1. Australian Consumer Data Right

4.1.1. Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC)

The ACCC is the designated government entity empowered by legislation to operate as the Ecosystem Authority of the Australian Consumer Data Right.

4.1.2. CDR Consumer

A CDR Consumer is a business or individual who authorises the sharing of data stored by a CDR Data Holder on their behalf to a CDR Software Product with their permission. A User, regardless of their individual relationship with a Data Holder may also have access to zero or more non-individual Consumer's, for instance businesses that they have permission to make decisions for.

It is critical to note that a CDR Consumer is the individual entity of which data is being shared or actions are being performed on. Within the CDR there are various relationship types including:

  • Nominated Representatives: Authorised representatives of a specific corporate entity, for instance a company director
  • Secondary Users: Authorised parties who can access an individual Consumers data

4.1.3. Data Holder Brand

For the purposes of this specification a Data Holder is described as the party who is offering or has offered services to the Consumer and/or holds relevant data related to those services on behalf of the Consumer.

The types and format of that data is outside the scope of this particular specification but traditionally includes:

  • specific customer information such as name, addresses and phone numbers;
  • information related to services such as account numbers, pricing information and balances;
  • transaction/ledger information pertaining to services provided

Within the CDR ecosystem the mandated Data Holders are ostensible Banking and Energy providers. Additional sectors can be designated by way of a legally binding Designation Instrument coupled with changes to the CDR Rules.

4.1.5. Data Recipient

A CDR Data Recipient is a party that provides activities, such as data sharing, through the Consumer who participates in the authorisation process initiated by a Initiator. Please refer to the expanded description of Provider within this document.

4.1.6. Software Product

A Software Product is the listed value proposition, provided by a Data Recipient, which accesses a Data Holder Brand.

4.1.7. CDR Register

The CDR Register is the technology infrastructure, operated by the ACCC delivering the Ecosystem Authority provisions outlined in [DATARIGHTPLUS-ADMISSION-CONTROL]

5. Acknowledgement

The following people contributed to this document:

6. Normative References

Treasury, Australian., "Competition and Consumer (Consumer Data Right) Rules 2020", , <>.
Data Standards Body (Treasury), "Consumer Data Standards (CDS)", <>.
Low, S., "DataRight+ Admission Control: Baseline", <>.
Low, S. and B. Kolera, "DataRight+: Sharing Arrangement V1", <>.
Sakimura, N., Bradley, J., Jones, M., de Medeiros, B., and C. Mortimore, "OpenID Connect Core 1.0 incorporating errata set 1", , <>.

Authors' Addresses

Stuart Low
Ben Kolera