datarightplus S. Low Internet-Draft Intended status: Experimental 1 April 2024 Expires: 3 October 2024 DataRight+: Common Resource Set draft-authors-datarightplus-resource-set-common-latest Abstract This is the resource set profile outlining the common endpoints utilised across multiple industries. Notational Conventions The keywords "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119]. Status of This Memo This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet- Drafts is at Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." This Internet-Draft will expire on 3 October 2024. Copyright Notice Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved. This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents ( license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Table of Contents 1. Scope 2. Terminology 3. Providers 3.1. Authorisation Server 3.1.1. Authorisation Scopes 3.1.2. Overlapping Scope Optimisation 3.2. Resource Server 4. Initiators 5. Acknowledgement 6. Normative References Author's Address 1. Scope The scope of this document is intended to be limited to the shared resource server endpoints, and their associated authorisation contexts. 2. Terminology This specification utilises the various terms outlined within [DATARIGHTPLUS-ROSETTA]. 3. Providers Providers are expected to deliver a set of common resource server endpoints. 3.1. Authorisation Server In addition to other provisions incorporated within the relevant ecosystem set, the Provider authorisation server SHALL: 1. Support the [RFC6749] scope parameter with possible values outlined within Authorisation Scopes (#name-authorisation- scopes); 3.1.1. Authorisation Scopes The Provider authorisation server SHALL utilise the following Data Set Language when seeking authorisation from a Consumer representing an Individual for specific scope values: +=============================+=======================+ | scope value | Data Set Language | +=============================+=======================+ | common:customer.basic:read | *Name and occupation* | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | | Name; | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | | Occupation; | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | common:customer.detail:read | *Contact Details* | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | | Phone; | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | | Email address; | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | | Mail address; | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ | | Residential address; | +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ +-----------------------------+-----------------------+ Table 1 The Provider authorisation server SHALL utilise the following Data Set Language when seeking authorisation from a Consumer representing an Entity for specific scope values: +=============================+====================================+ | scope value | Data Set Language | +=============================+====================================+ | common:customer.basic:read | *Organisation profile* | +-----------------------------+------------------------------------+ | | Agent name and role; | +-----------------------------+------------------------------------+ | | Organisation name; | +-----------------------------+------------------------------------+ | | Organisation numbers (ABN or ACN); | +-----------------------------+------------------------------------+ | | Charity status; | +-----------------------------+------------------------------------+ | | Establishment date; | +-----------------------------+------------------------------------+ | | Industry; | +-----------------------------+------------------------------------+ | | Organisation type | +-----------------------------+------------------------------------+ | | Country of registration; | +-----------------------------+------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------+------------------------------------+ | common:customer.detail:read | *Organisation contact details* | +-----------------------------+------------------------------------+ | | Organisation address; | +-----------------------------+------------------------------------+ | | Mail address; | +-----------------------------+------------------------------------+ | | Phone number; | +-----------------------------+------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------+------------------------------------+ Table 2 3.1.2. Overlapping Scope Optimisation Alternative Data Cluster Language SHALL be used for Consumers representing Individuals when pairs of scope value are used as follows: +================================+====================+ | scope pairing | Data Set Language | +================================+====================+ | common:customer.basic:read and | *Name, occupation, | | | contact details* | +--------------------------------+--------------------+ | common:customer.detail:read | Name; | +--------------------------------+--------------------+ | | Occupation; | +--------------------------------+--------------------+ | | Phone; | +--------------------------------+--------------------+ | | Email address; | +--------------------------------+--------------------+ | | Mail address; | +--------------------------------+--------------------+ | | Residential | | | address; | +--------------------------------+--------------------+ +--------------------------------+--------------------+ Table 3 Alternative Data Cluster Language SHALL be used for Consumers representing Entities when pairs of scope value are used as follows: +================================+=======================+ | scope pairing | Data Set Language | +================================+=======================+ | common:customer.basic:read and | *Organisation profile | | | and contact details* | +--------------------------------+-----------------------+ | common:customer.detail:read | Agent name and role; | +--------------------------------+-----------------------+ | | Organisation name; | +--------------------------------+-----------------------+ | | Organisation numbers | | | (ABN or ACN); | +--------------------------------+-----------------------+ | | Charity status; | +--------------------------------+-----------------------+ | | Establishment date; | +--------------------------------+-----------------------+ | | Industry; | +--------------------------------+-----------------------+ | | Organisation type; | +--------------------------------+-----------------------+ | | Country of | | | registration; | +--------------------------------+-----------------------+ | | Organisation address; | +--------------------------------+-----------------------+ | | Mail address; | +--------------------------------+-----------------------+ | | Phone number; | +--------------------------------+-----------------------+ +--------------------------------+-----------------------+ Table 4 3.2. Resource Server The Provider SHALL make available, as described further in [DATARIGHTPLUS-REDOCLY-ID1] endpoints, the following endpoints where the token is granted the common:customer.basic:read scope value: +==========================+============================+=====+ | Resource Server Endpoint | Authorisation Scope | x-v | +==========================+============================+=====+ | GET /common/customer | common:customer.basic:read | 1 | +--------------------------+----------------------------+-----+ Table 5 The Provider SHALL make available, as described further in [DATARIGHTPLUS-REDOCLY-ID1] endpoints, the following endpoint where the token is granted the common:customer.basic:detail scope value: +=============================+==============================+=====+ | Resource Server Endpoint | Authorisation Scope | x-v | +=============================+==============================+=====+ | GET /common/customer/detail | common:customer.basic:detail | 1 | +-----------------------------+------------------------------+-----+ Table 6 The Provider SHALL also deliver the following unauthenticated and generally available endpoints, in accordance with [DATARIGHTPLUS-REDOCLY-ID1]: +==========================+=====+ | Resource Server Endpoint | x-v | +==========================+=====+ | GET /discovery/outages | 1 | +--------------------------+-----+ | GET /discovery/status | 1 | +--------------------------+-----+ Table 7 4. Initiators Initiators SHALL describe the requested scope values using the same Data Set Language as Providers, as outlined in Authorisation Scopes (#name-authorisation-scopes). 5. Acknowledgement The following people contributed to this document: * Stuart Low ( - Editor We acknowledge the contribution to the [CDS] of the following individuals: * James Bligh (Data Standards Body) - Lead Architect for the Consumer Data Right * Mark Verstege (Data Standards Body) - Lead Architect, Banking & Information Security for the Consumer Data Right * Ivan Hosgood (formerly Data Standards Body & ACCC) - Solutions Architect 6. Normative References [CDS] Data Standards Body (Treasury), "Consumer Data Standards (CDS)", . [DATARIGHTPLUS-REDOCLY-ID1] Low, S., Kolera, B., and W. Cai, "DataRight+: Redocly (ID1)", . [DATARIGHTPLUS-ROSETTA] Low, S., "DataRight+ Rosetta Stone", . [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, . [RFC6749] Hardt, D., Ed., "The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework", RFC 6749, DOI 10.17487/RFC6749, October 2012, . Author's Address Stuart Low Email: